/ 3 min read

Twitter Authentication with Tweepy and Flask

Recently, I created an app using Flask for the first time. The app uses Twitter API to get the data, where user could log in with her Twitter account, and she will get the report she needs. Here’s the app: http://responsetime.thirdworldnomad.com.

I was wondering, how do I do the OAuth authentication flow? Turned out, it’s really easy!

First, create an Flask route to redirect the user to Twitter login page:

consumer_key = ''
consumer_secret = ''
callback = 'http://yourdoamain.com/callback'
def auth():
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret, callback)
url = auth.get_authorization_url()
session['request_token'] = auth.request_token
return redirect(url)

What it does is to create an authentication handler according to your Twitter app’s keys, and your predefined callback. This callback URL should point to your another Flask endpoint that I’ll describe after this. Then, you’ll need to redirect your user to the authorization URL that Tweepy constructed for you. Here, we save the request_token to the session because we need it to get the user’s access token in the next endpoint. Session is a great way to handle states between requests.

Next, let’s handle the case after user has logged in via Twitter. Twitter will redirect the user to your predefined callback URL.

def twitter_callback():
request_token = session['request_token']
del session['request_token']
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret, callback)
auth.request_token = request_token
verifier = request.args.get('oauth_verifier')
session['token'] = (auth.access_token, auth.access_token_secret)
return redirect('/app')

Here, we get the request_token that we’ve saved from the previous request on /auth. As session is unique per user, it’s guaranteed that there’s no token mixup between users. Because the request_token won’t be used anymore, it’s recommended to delete it.

Next, we have to reconstruct the Tweepy’s authentication handler again, using the same parameters. It will be rejected if the parameters are different. Twitter will append an query param oauth_verifier when requesting our callback endpoint. We’ll use that token to be exchanged with the real access token.

The next is simple, just call Tweepy’s get_access_token function and pass the token we get from the query param. Tweepy will exchange it for user’s access token and secret token. You can store it in the database, or just save it in the session. Using session is simpler, but it won’t persist, as it could expire.

Now that we have user’s access token and secret token, we can use it to call Twitter API.

def request_twitter:
token, token_secret = session['token']
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret, callback)
auth.set_access_token(token, token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
return api.me()

To use the token, we’ll need to get it from the session, then pass it to Tweepy OAuthHandler object, and create an API object based on that. Then, we could use the API object to request the Twitter REST and Streaming API.

So, that’s it. It’s surprising how easy it is to do OAuth authentication using Tweepy. On another web framework, like Django or Bottle, the principle and the flow is similar.